At last! A chance to spread the nausea I feel toward that holyday to other people!
Would it be more romantic with a big arrow jammed through it?
HMS, Yup, have a chocolate intestine! Chocolate-dipped licorice ropes, maybe?
Of course, the shape we typically associate with the heart is the ivy leaf, based on the story that St Valentine sent messages by pricking letters into ivy leaves. Since the West associates "love" with "heart," someone somewhere started calling it a heart. Imagine children exchanging ivy-green valentine cards!
That's really disgusting!
Not as disgusting as it would have been if modern Western culture associated feelings of love, as did many ancient cultures, with the bowels...
That's just gross!
At last! A chance to spread the nausea I feel toward that holyday to other people!
Would it be more romantic with a big arrow jammed through it?
HMS, Yup, have a chocolate intestine! Chocolate-dipped licorice ropes, maybe?
Of course, the shape we typically associate with the heart is the ivy leaf, based on the story that St Valentine sent messages by pricking letters into ivy leaves. Since the West associates "love" with "heart," someone somewhere started calling it a heart. Imagine children exchanging ivy-green valentine cards!
Tip: Use poison ivy instead. It turns red in the fall. Red-- just like the skin of anyone who handles it. How romantic.
How appropo! Love should be shared, after all. And with a good case of poison ivy, it's a gift that keeps on giving!
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