Thursday, August 28, 2008

To explore strange new worlds... and evangelize them.

Because kosmos in Mark 16:15 includes the entire created order...

But does this really qualify as "go"ing?

I suppose it fits Mat 28:19's "Make disciples of all nations (ethnoi)"

There is a goldmine of potential "inspirational" sci-fi stories that would mimic every book about cross-cultural missions you've ever read, only in outer space.

My fear is that evangelism on other worlds would wind up resembling the "Orange Catholic Church" in Frank Herbert's Dune, or the religion-tinged stories of Stanislaw Lem's The Star Diaries. The latter of the two contains a fairly lengthy discussion of how religion developed and progressed on a world that had the power to infinitely change everything about themselves, to avoid mortality, and even to create new selves. It would probably make for a great theology discussion group. Unfortunately, I returned the book to the library and cannot recall which "voyage" it is. I may have to try and purchase a cheap copy.

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