Friday, June 30, 2006

Caution: Bad Pun Ahead!

"I divided the circumference of a circle by its diameter in the desert once, just to watch it pi."

Two dozen happy duckies floating in a kiddie pool is not enough. Two dozen more should be arriving by post today or tomorrow. Four dozen is clearly too many. Probably stash some in a treasure chest.
All the backdrop outline is complete (see yesterday's post), and some of the smaller items are colored in/painted. Lots of work yet to be done.

Had a very pleasant supper with Charlie & Louise yesterday evening. There are saints that you just wish you could clone for the benefit of the Kingdom of God, and those two are on my list! What an encouragement they have been to me!

This is Independence Day weekend. To celebrate, the congregation is going to attach the preacher to a huge rocket and light it, hoping to hire somebody new. Hey, it's a celebration of freedom, right? Not all freedom is political! (As one of my profs used to say, "That'll preach!")
It's gonna be nine years in September, if you can believe it! It's gonna be nine years in September if you can't believe it! Nine years, the good people at Cornland C.C. have put up with this guy in the pulpit, and no sign of lynch mob in sight! I'm obviously not offending the right people! :-D

Listening to: Bob Thompson, "The Sound of Speed."

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