Monday, July 10, 2006

One night down...

... Four to go. Five if you count the program on Friday night.
VBS went surprisingly well last night. 22 1/2 kids (one had a ball game and didn't show up 'til midway through the evening.) Out of those, 11 1/2 were in my class! Wahoo! I got rid of the chairs & tables in my room, and put beach towels and straw mats on the floor, which we all sat upon. Creates a whole new classroom dynamic--though I wouldn't want to try it with my adult Sunday School class! No table or chairs means no shoving the chairs far back from the table or poking you neighbor under the table. And--shocking in a group of 5th & 6th graders-and-up--nobody really objected to sitting on the floor once they saw I was, too!

Started reading Don Miller's "Owning A Dragon" Saturday morning while doing laundry. Basically, it's a series of essays on how growing up without a father affected him. To Miller, having a father is like having a dragon. In his life experience they were both fictitious characters, son he could guess, based on observation of kids with fathers what that must be like--much like you can only imagine what it's like to own a dragon by reading about them in story books. I'm fortunate to have a father, so I can't necessarily identify with what he's writing, but from a ministry standpoint, it's very informative and interesting.

Sunday evening, one of the gals from church asked me if I had been excited about VBS that morning. I said that I was. She pointed out that I had skipped over the morning prayer that we normally have between the first two hymns in the service. It was printed in the church bulletin. I had that bulletin right in front of me--and whizzed right past it in my mind, I guess! Senior moment! (I can claim those, now, since the AARP tells me I'm eligible for membership! See previous post.)

Listening to: Dave Bourne, "Saloon Piano, Volume I"

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