Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Breakfast Cereal!

Do you want to succeed at school? Do you want to win every sporting event you take part in? Do you want exciting music to play as you pedal your bicycle to your super-fun destination? Do you want your blog post published at humor-blogs.com? Do you want to have more fun than is technically possible at your morning meal?

Then you want Breakfast Cereal! That’s right! Breakfast Cereal! It’s loaded with stuff that’s good for you—vitamins and minerals and trace elements of copper wire! And even though it tastes like sugar-coated marshmallows, comes in sixteen blinding neon colors, and plays your favorite pop song when you pour in the milk, your mother will approve of it because it’s healthier than oatmeal and fresh fruit!

Breakfast Cereal is part of a balanced breakfast—which you won’t eat because you had three bowls of Breakfast Cereal, but it IS on the same table! And that MEANS SOMETHING!

Pssst! In each box of Breakfast Cereal is a super-cool generic toy, so tell your mom to buy you an extra box of Breakfast Cereal!


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