Monday, April 04, 2011

ICFAB Celebrates 5th Birthday!

Well--a bit belatedly. It was actually yesterday, but I'm almost never near my computer on Sundays.

My, how things have changed in 5 years! Here's a pic of me 5 years ago.

And here's what I look like today!
See the difference? Shocking! Horrifying!

Actually, here is the pic I included with my very first blog post.

Here is one taken a couple weeks ago.

I think I had just looked in the mirror!

Anyway, thanks to my faithful readers--both of you--for sticking it out with me in the lab. Thanks also to the Atomic Lizard-Men for all their hard service, and to the Asparagustersens (They know why.)

More silliness, weirdness, and Messi-Jewishness to come. Certainly, more Gospel of Melvin in the works, and--maybe--more chapters of that inverted fiction classic, Night Of The Java Beast!


The Ironic Catholic said...

Hooya! Happy Birthday! I have a lot more gray hair after my 5 years on the circuit.... probably not doing it right if we look improved. That's the ticket.

Allen's Brain said...

Thanks, IC! Keep up your good work! I'll soon post a review of D.C.o.S.

PaperSmyth said...

Happy blog-iversary, Allen! Thanks for sharing your "ooze" with us.

(What? My veri word is "gooses"?)

Allen's Brain said...

P.S., thanks for making me laugh. "Gooses" is just intrinsically funny. Like "underpants," which is 38% funnier than "underwear."