Sunday, May 23, 2010

Po-entecost Sunday, pt 3

Those listening to Peter
Were cut to the heart.
And asked “What do we do
“To atone for our part?”

“Repent,” Peter told them,
“Turn now from your sin.
“Be baptized in Christ’s name.
“Let new life begin.”

“Your sins he’ll forgive you.
“His Spirit he’ll give.
“Make Jesus your Master,
“And eternally live!”

“This promise is for you,
“Your children and all
“Of those who respond
“To the Lord our God’s call.”

With many other words he preached,
And said to them, “Be saved
“From a twisted generation
“Which is one step from the grave!”

Did anyone respond to this?
Yes, and quite a throng!
Th’group responding & being immersed
Was a full 3,000 strong!

Those people were saved & devoted themselves
Continually to the Bible,
To fellowship, the Lord’s Supper & prayer,
These folks were, for certain, not idle!

Daily they worshiped together,
And new members were added each day.
And since Pentecost was the start of it all,
We say to the Church, Happy Birthday!

It all started here.

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