Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Piece of Original Ten Commandments Found?

Sinai.  Archaeologists have uncovered a fragment of a stone tablet near the base of Mt Sinai. The tablet is of indeterminate age, but the Paleohebrew letters inscribed upon one side date it almost certainly to the time of Moses.

While complete analysis is pending, several scholars are already describing the fragment as a piece of the original Ten Commandments! While the words do not form a complete sentence, it appears to be an eleventh commandment reading,

“You shall not smash [these ta]blets in your anger.”


Niall Mor said...

Hello Allen,
Long time lurker, first time commenter. When I read this post I couldn't stop thinking of a scene from Mel Brooks's History of the World, Part I. Mel, playing Moses comes down from Mount Sinai lugging THREE stone tablets and announces, "Ladies and gentlemen, The Lord Your God, the Great Jehovah, has given you these fifteen (he drops one tablet and breaks it accidentally) ten commandments!"

Also, pleased to see you've discovered the Pulp-o-mizer website.

Neil Leslie

Allen's Brain said...

Welcome, Cyber-Loiterer!

Are you connected with the Pulp-o-mizer site?